

3T Siemens Prisma Fit MRI scanner

The research-dedicated 3.0T Siemens Prisma Fit scanner is located in the CORE GIfMI building in the Ghent University Hospital, Entry 55 and is available 24/7.

MRI simulator

The MRI Simulator is available to all MRI researchers at no charge. The MRI Simulator gives subjects exposure to the scanner by realistically reproducing the scanning environment.

Computing Facilities

CORE GIfMI does not provide computing facilities but collaborates closely with HPC-UGent, the High Performance Computing infrastructure of Ghent University. As a strategic partner of the Flemish Supercomputing Center, HPC-UGent offers researchers access to a variety of image processing tools on its HPC infrastructure.

Some tools available at the HPC-UGent are

Data Management

CORE GIfMI is working on a XNAT (Extensible Neuroimaging Archive Toolkit) instance to manage all MR research images and metadata.

Once fully operational, this system will provide researchers with a structured and secure platform for storing, sharing, and processing imaging data.

MRI monitor

Psychophysiological Lab in the Magnet

CORE GIfMI is equipped with high-quality, dedicated equipment to support psychophysiological research within the MRI environment. This setup enables researchers to conduct advanced studies integrating neuroimaging with physiological measurements.

Stimulus PC
  • A powerful PC with dual-monitor setup provides full control over your experiment. It can also be used for entertainment purposes by providing the subject with relaxing music or a movie.
  • Currently provided software
    • Matlab/Octave
    • Conda as open source package manager
    • PsychoPy (actively supported)
    • Presentation (actively supported)
    • Psychtoolbox (not actively supported)
    • E-Prime (not supported)
    • Other tools may be installed on request
Visual system
  • The BOLDScreen 32 UHD display (Cambridge Research Systems Ltd.) is a high-performant fully MR compatible LCD video display which can be used for research and entertainment purposes.
  • A 4x4 channel video switch allows easy switching of multiple inputs and outputs avoiding changes cables.
Audio system
  • The built-in communication system provides basic communication between the participant and the operator.
  • The OptoActive II system (Optoacoustics Ltc.) provides high-fidelity audio with ANC (active noise cancellation) for EPI-based sequences.The FOMRI-III microphone supports clear communication between the participant and the operator, even during scanning.
Response system
  • The Lumina 4G (Cedrus Corporation) provides multiple 4-button layouts for response collection during fMRI data acquisition. It also support synchronization with MRI trigger.
  • The fMRI Trackball (Nata Technologies Inc.) provides mouse cursor navigation during fMRI data acquisition. It can for instance be used to acquire a Visual Analog Scale value or to point targets on the display.
MRI synchronization triggering
  • Custom-built hardware based on Arduino provides multi-channel signal conditioning and synchronisation between the scanner an external equipment like the stimulus PC or the BIOPAC system.
  • The EyeLink 1000 Plus (SR Research Ltd.) is a video-based monocular eyetracker. Combined with the LCD video system, it provides accurate eyetracking in the magnet.
Physiological monitoring
  • The built-in physiological monitoring system provides easy access to ECG and respiration signals for acquisition gating or physiological noise corrections.
  • The MP150 with extension modules and amplifiers (Biopac Systems Inc.) supports the simultaneous acquisition of multiple physiological signals as well as analog and digital signals. Synchronization with the MRI scanner and other equipment ensures accurate time labeling of the collected data.
  • The available modules are:
    • MP150: the main module
    • HLT100C: high-level output transducers interface
    • STP100C: isolated digital interface
    • UIM100C: universal interface module
    • DA100C: general purpose transducer (for new RSP transducer)
    • CO2100C: carbon dioxide measurement module
    • RSP100C: respiration amplifier
    • ECG100C-MRI: electrocardiogram amplifier
    • PPG100C-MRI: photo plethysmogram amplifier
    • EDA100C-MRI: electrodermal activity amplifier

Other equipment

CORE GIfMI also houses specific hardware and software for specialist MR data acquisition.

Magnetic Resonance Elastography
  • Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE) is technique to quantify the stiffness of tissue in the body The MR Elastography device (T.H.E.A-Devices GmbH) generates low-frequency vibrations in tissue. A special sequence and post-processing software calculates the elastogram. More to find on the Techniques page.