
Other equipment & techniques
CORE GIfMI also houses specific hardware and software for specialist MR data acquisition.
MR elastography
- Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE) is technique to quantify the stiffness of tissue in the body The XYZ (T.H.E.A-Devices GmbH) which generates low-frequency vibrations in tissue, in combination with a sequence and post-processing software A powerful PC with dual-monitor setup provides full control over your experiment. It can also be used for entertainment purposes by providing the subject with relaxing music or a movie.

Other equipment & techniques
CORE GIfMI also houses specific hardware and software for specialist MR data acquisition.
MR elastography
- Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE) is technique to quantify the stiffness of tissue in the body The XYZ (T.H.E.A-Devices GmbH) which generates low-frequency vibrations in tissue, in combination with a sequence and post-processing software A powerful PC with dual-monitor setup provides full control over your experiment. It can also be used for entertainment purposes by providing the subject with relaxing music or a movie.